What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical journey to refine the shape and function of your nose, whether you desire cosmetic adjustments or need functional repairs. In simpler terms, it's a procedure to change the appearance or improve the function of your nose.

Why Consider Rhinoplasty?

Beauty Aspirations: Perhaps you've always felt that your nose doesn't harmonize with your face, or there's a specific part of it you'd like to refine. Rhinoplasty can help bring balance.

Breathing Better: A deviated septum or other internal obstructions can make breathing a chore. Rhinoplasty can open those passages.

Correcting Past Issues: Whether due to injury or a previous procedure that didn't go as planned, rhinoplasty offers a chance at repair.

Could I benefit from a rhinoplasty?

You may be an appropriate candidate for a rhinoplasty for one of the following reasons:
• You have been thinking for a while about improving the appearance of your nose
• Trauma or infection has changed the shape of your nose more than 12 months ago
• A congenital defect like cleft lip was corrected at a young age, you are now at least 17 years of age and you would like the nasal deformity corrected.
• The effects of aging have changed the shape of your nose; you may feel the tip of your nose is hanging and droopy.
• Breathing through your nose is obstructed and medical treatment (nasal sprays) do not provide lasting alleviation.
• You can improve the obstruction of your nasal airway by pushing the nasal tip up or by pulling the cheek tissues to the side.

1. Initial Consultation

Upon entering my clinic, I wish to establish a professional and thorough understanding of your aspirations regarding rhinoplasty.

Discussing Aesthetic Objectives: I invite you to share in detail the aspects of your nose you are content with and those you wish to modify.

Medical History Assessment: For a seamless procedure, I need a comprehensive overview of your medical background, including allergies, previous surgeries, current medications, and lifestyle habits.

2. Comprehensive Nasal Examination

To achieve optimal results, I will conduct a meticulous examination of your nasal anatomy.

External Evaluation: By assessing your noses symmetry, skin quality, and overall harmony with other facial features, I can tailor the procedure to best suit your unique structure.

Internal Assessment: A careful examination of the interior nasal structures ensures that any cosmetic adjustments also complement functional efficiency.

Photographic Documentation: I will capture high-quality images from various angles for precise pre-operative planning and to monitor post-operative progress.

3. Digital Photoshop Simulation: A Visual Forecast

With the aid of advanced digital tools, I provide a visual representation of potential post-operative outcomes.

Previewing Potential Outcomes: While these simulations serve as approximations, they offer invaluable insights into the results we can aim for.

Ensuring Aligned Expectations: The digital previews facilitate a more informed dialogue, ensuring that we share a unified vision for the desired outcome.

It is important to emphasise the following: Agreeing on a target image does not mean that this target can be achieved. The images created here help us to determine the expectations of the person and for the person to discover their own preferences. What can actually be done will only become clear during the operation and your doctor may have to deal with many other unforeseen problems. It is never possible for the simulation result to be reflected one-to-one in real life.

4. Pre-operative Guidelines

In the days leading up to your procedure, I'll provide guidance to ensure you're best prepared both physically and mentally.

Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations such as refraining from smoking or specific medications are designed to promote a smoother surgical experience and recovery.

Mental Preparation: It's only natural to have apprehensions. I encourage open communication about any concerns or queries you might harbor.

Logistical Preparations: I'll advise on practical considerations, such as organizing post-operative transport and setting up a conducive recovery environment at home.

5. Pre-operative Health Checks

Prioritizing your well-being, I mandate a set of standard health evaluations to confirm your readiness for the procedure.
Routine Blood and Diagnostic Tests: These tests are crucial to uncover any potential underlying conditions that might influence surgery or post-operative recovery.

6. Final Pre-operative Steps

As we conclude our pre-operative journey:
Addressing Outstanding Queries: I'm dedicated to ensuring you enter the procedure with clarity and confidence. Any questions, regardless of their nature, are welcomed.
Consent and Documentation: Once you're ready and all concerns have been addressed, we'll finalize the necessary paperwork. This step underscores my commitment to a transparent and informed surgical process.

1. What to Expect on Surgery Day

Arrival: Your scheduled time is carefully planned. Please be punctual to ensure a smooth process from start to finish.
Meet the Team: I believe in familiarity. You'll meet the dedicated team who'll be assisting me during your procedure: anesthesiologists, surgical assistants, and nurses, all chosen for their expertise.

2. The Operating Room Environment

Sterility & Safety: Your safety is paramount. Our operating rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art sterilization technology, ensuring a safe and contamination-free environment.
Comfort: Even though you'll be under sedation, we ensure the room is at a comfortable temperature, and we use soft lighting to reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Anesthesia: Ensuring a Pain-Free Experience

Rhinoplasty operation will be done under general anesthesia. By this way, my goal is a pain-free experience for you. Our anesthesiologist will monitor your vitals continuously. Advanced equipment and protocols are in place to ensure your safety throughout.

4. The Procedure

Rhinoplasty techniques vary based on the desired outcomes. As an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon, I employ various techniques to address the unique challenges presented by each patient. My primary approach is the closed technique rhinoplasty. This method offers several advantages, including a faster recovery process, preservation of vital arteries and nerves, and no external incisions, thus leaving no visible scars. In addition, I utilize a range of advanced tools, such as the Piezo, microsaw, and ultrasonic devices, to precisely cut and reshape the nasal bones. While the average rhinoplasty takes between two to three hours, the exact time can vary. Remember, it's not about speed but precision.

5. Immediate Post-Operative Period

After the procedure, you'll be gently awakened in a calm, quiet environment. A nurse will be beside you, monitoring your recovery from anesthesia. Once you're alert, I'll briefly discuss how the procedure went and what you can expect over the next few hours and days.

6. Staying Overnight Day Surgery

An overnight stay will be recommended after surgery. This is to ensure you receive the best care and monitoring during the initial post-operative hours.
The day following the surgery, I will conduct a control examination before you are discharged from the hospital. I will prescribe several medications, including:

1- Antibiotic: This is to prevent potential infections.

2- Analgesics (painkillers): You may experience mild to moderate pain. To ensure your comfort, I will prescribe pain medications. It's imperative to adhere to the recommended dosage and schedule.

3- Nasal Sprays: We utilize silicone nasal splints to maintain the new shape of the nose. These splints have airflow channels, and you will use two nasal sprays to cleanse these channels. Through this cleaning process, you'll be able to breathe through your nose despite the presence of the splint.

4- Antibiotic Cream: My primary approach involves closed rhinoplasty techniques using absorbable sutures. This means there will be no need to remove any stitches post-operation. To keep the stitches moisturized, I will prescribe an antibiotic cream and provide guidance on its application. This cream should be applied for two weeks. The absorbable stitches will naturally dissolve between 2-4 weeks.

5- Antihistamine Pills: The nasal splints inside the nose might induce more frequent sneezing. Although there are no strict restrictions regarding sneezing, I suggest using an antihistamine to reduce the frequency of sneezing.

Swelling & Bruising: Expect some facial swelling, particularly around the eyes and nose. Bruising might also manifest. The extent of the swelling and bruising largely hinges on individual skin characteristics, such as skin color (whether light or dark) and thickness. While I will prescribe medications to mitigate the swelling and bruising, it's important to note that these symptoms will typically subside 7-10 days post-surgery

Ice Application: To aid in reducing the swelling, I recommend the gentle application of cold compresses. Always ensure they are adequately wrapped to prevent direct skin contact.

Resting Position: When resting or sleeping, ensure your head remains elevated. This measure assists in reducing swelling and safeguards the surgical site.

In the first week following the surgery, you will return for a control examination, during which we will remove your nasal cast and splints. Contrary to popular belief, removing the nasal splints is not painful. After the external nasal cast is taken off, I will apply a nasal tape to reduce the swelling on the nose. It's crucial to understand that the final shape of the nose is typically achieved after one year, and the swelling is at its peak during the first week post-surgery. You will apply some massages to your nose to help reduce the swelling. Once the nasal cast and splints are removed, you're free to travel back to your home country by flight without any restrictions.